Feb 17, 2009

AT-OT and Dropship

Hello again Lego fans,

Just in, the NEW lego star wars AT-OT and Republic dropship are said to release in stores in March 30th, 2009!!! Even though these combined sets are $350 Cdn, the dropship is compatible with the At-TE set. These sets will make the perfect addition to any collection! For More info Click here

August 2009 sets

Hi again fans,

These are pictures of the newest, most secret lego sets out there. Most will come sometime during august

Feb 8, 2009

Solar Sailor

Hi again,
Count Dooku's personal ship has a pilot droid, a speeder, two Magna Guards, and of course the count himself! This set is going for $74.99 cdn, and features movable wings.
Fun Fact: This Ship was first seen in, Star Wars "Bounty Hunter" the video game, and last seen in "Dooku Captured" in the Clone Wars TV series.

Feb 7, 2009

Minifig of the Month

Hello once more,

I know I don't even have to describe him....
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